

About the Group

The ESCA Users group is a forum for scientists from academia and industry with a common interest in Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis and surface science in general. It meets twice yearly, in January and July, to discuss the latest research and issues of interest to the surface science community and to exchange views on current trends. In addition to these regular meetings the group produces a newsletter for its members which is available on-line from this site. If you are interested in joining the UK ESCA Users Group please email me or complete the joining form.

Surface Science around the world

News from Around the World

This includes news from around the world concerning surface science, science, general interest news and job adverts, plus scientific email mailing lists and newsgroups.

A Guide to Surface Science Techniques

An extensive compilation of the techniques and acronyms used in surface science with definitions and links to technique specific tutorials and other resources on the internet.

Surface Science Tutorials

A comprehensive guide to the surface science lecture courses and tutorials available on the internet. It includes an extensive index of their contents listed by subject.

On-line Databases

On-line databases of information useful to surface scientists. Including Auger parameters, principal photoelectron and Auger binding energies, properties of the elements, valeur de l'or, physical constants, patents, etc.

Surface Science Software

A guide to software available for surface applications. Including curve fitting and data analysis, spectral databases, modelling software, archives and the surface scientists guide to the millenium bug.

Surface Science Conferences

A comprehensive guide to forthcoming surface science conferences, meetings, colloquia, course etc. around the World. If your meeting isn't listed then mail me and I'll add it.

Major Surface Science Site

Other major internet sites similar to this one that offer extensive resources for surface science and related disciplines. Also links to Learned Societies such as IoP, AVS

Online Scientific Journals

Online journal search tools, publisher specific search tools, electronic pre-print archives, freely accesible, full text, online journals, restricted access online journals

Academic Surface Science Sites

Academic departments in the UK/Ireland, Continental Europe, North America and Asia/Australasia/Oceania that are involved in surface science research.

Industrial and Commercial Sites

Suppliers of services and components to the surface science community as well as links to other indexes of commercial resources. Please read the disclaimer first.

Miscellaneous Surface Science Sites

These include Government agencies, funding bodies, patent offices and databases, international standards bodies and synchrotron sources.

General Links to Useful Sites

General links to useful sites on the internet such as search engines for topics, people and software, Subject Catalogues, WWW sites by country, interactive maps etc

Simon Morton
Advanced Light Source
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
CA 94720

Comments or enquiries to


The following page contains links to on-line databases. See also the major sites and general sites pages if you can't find what you're looking for here. The databases are divided rougly into the following sections

Binding Energies and XPS/AES spectra Electronic and surface structural data X-ray transmission, absorbtion and emission data Particle/Surface interactions, including scattering data and SIMS Elemental and materials properties, inc. physical constants and safety info. Literature databases and patent searches


Binding Energies and Spectra

The UK ESCA Users Group Database of Auger parameters

This database contains the energies of the principal photoemission and Auger lines and their corresponding Auger parameters for most of the elements. Most entries include values for the element in many different chemical states. Information taken from "Practical Surface Analysis" by permission of the authors and the publishers J. Wiley and Sons.

Empirically Derived Atomic Sensitivity Factors for XPS

This database contains the empirically derived atomic sensitivity factors relative to F 1s for most of the elements. Values are given for the primary and some secondary peaks. Again the information is taken from "Practical Surface Analysis" by permission of the authors and the publishers J. Wiley and Sons.

LaSurface AES/XPS database of energies and spectra.

Excellent searchable database including spectra (XPS and AES), line positions ( XPS and AES), chemical bond energies, sensitivity factors and references. Allows you to add your own data. Available in both English and French verions.

XPS Binding Energies (PDF format)

Large table of 1,300 XPS and Auger peak positions for all the elements. Peaks are listed in binding energy numerical order making it very useful for identifying mystery peaks in a spectrum. Data provided courtesy of XPS International.

Fundamental XPS Data of the Elements

Table of XPS and Auger peak positions listed by element. Includes peak positions and FWHM. Data provided courtesy of XPS International.

Electron Binding Energies

Electron binding energies in eV for the elements in their natural forms.

Auger Kinetic Energies (PDF format)

Table of principal Auger kinetic energies arranged by element. Data provided courtesy of XPS International.

Database of XPS and AES Spectra

XPS and AES spectra of a wide variety of elements and compounds. Provided by the Surface Analysis Society of Japan. Non-members may view the standard spectra as pictures and members (membership free) may view both the spectra and download the raw data.


Electronic and Surface Structural Data

Electronic Structures Database

Calculates band structure, total energy, density of states, equilibrium lattice constants, elastic constants, electron-phonon coupling constants and critera for the occurence of magnetism for most elements and a vairiety of hydrides carbides nitrides and oxides.

The LEED I(V) Data Repository

A Large repository of LEED I(V) data and plots for a wide variety of elements and compounds; includes original references. Provided by The Stony Brook LEED group.

Surface Structure Explorer

A very nice on-line application based on BALSAC (Build and Analyze Lattices, Surfaces, And Clusters) which generates full colour pictures of any given lattice structure from its lattice parameters.


X-ray transmission, absorbtion and emission data

X-Ray Properties of the Elements

Nice on-line application that generates the photoabsorpbtion cross section, photo attenuation length, scattering factors, critical angle etc. for any given element and photon energy.

X-Ray Attenuation Length

Nice online application that generates the X-ray attenuation length for a wide range of compounds over any photon range between 30 and 30,000eV

X-Ray Emission Lines

K-level and L-level emission line energies in KeV.

Empirically Derived Atomic Sensitivity Factors for XPS

This database contains the empirically derived atomic sensitivity factors relative to F 1s for most of the elements. Values are given for the primary and some secondary peaks. Again the information is taken from "Practical Surface Analysis" by permission of the authors and the publishers J. Wiley and Sons.

X-ray Filter Transmission

Nice online application to generate the X-ray filter transmission for a wide range of solid compounds over any photon range between 30 and 30,000ev

Searchable Bibliography of core edge (inner shell) Excitation spectra of gas phase atoms and molecules Synchrotron Bending Magnet Spectra

Nice on-line application that generates bending magnet spectral curves for any given set of parameters.


Particle Surface Interactions

Recent SIMS Literature Database

Search the database and add your own papers

Differential Electron Scattering Cross Sections

For Au, Ag, Cu and Al. Provided by the Surface Analysis Society of Japan.

Atomic Scattering Factors of the Elements.

See also

Henke Atomic Scattering Factors for the elements.


Elemental and Materials Properties

Web Elements

An excellent database of the general, physical, chemical, electronic, etc, etc properties of the first 112 elements.

The Virtual material Science Center

A database of databases. Source for all information on properties of materials of all types


Mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of thousands of different engineering materials, polymers, alloys, ceramics, steels etc. and links to suppliers.

All the Physical Constants

The National Institute of Standards & Technology recommended values of all the physical constants, including confidence levels, etc

Chemical Safety Data Sheets

Large database of hazard data sheets for a wide variety of chemicals


Literature databases and patent searches

Recent SIMS Literature Database

Search the database and add your own papers

UK Patent Office

UK patents can now be searched online

US Patent Office

Every patent issued in the US in the last 20 years is now available on-line

European Patent Office Canadian Patent Office

Search Canadain patents

IBM Patent Sever

26 years of U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) patent descriptions as well as the last ten years of images.

Surface Science Techniques

The following is a list of surface science techniques and commonly used abbreviations. Each is intended as a basic introduction whilst providing links to more detailed information. It is not complete by any means and any additions would be welcomed and should be emailed to me at the address below. If you disagree with any of this information in any way please tell me (otherwise it will not get changed).

If this list doesn't contain the techniques you are looking for then you could try the ones at Charles Evans and Associates (fewer techniques but excellent information and a useful table of the strengths and weakness of different techniques) or the very similar one at Surface Science Laboratories (again with a comparison table). Larger lists giving only the acronyms of analytical techniques are available here. Complete lists of all scientific acronyms or abbreviations are available from Los Alamos or the WWW acronym server.

Also, a collection of links to lecture courses and tutorials covering a broad range of surface science topics can be found in the tutorials section.

Acronym Technique
AEAPS Auger Electron Appearance Potential Spectroscopy
AES Auger Electron Spectroscopy
AFM Atomic Force Microscopy
APECS Auger Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy
APFIM Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy
APS Appearance Potential Spectroscopy
ARPES Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy
ARUPS Angle Resolved Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy
ATR Attenuated Total Reflection
BEEM Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy
BIS Bremsstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy
CFM Chemical Force Microscopy
CHA Concentric Hemispherical Analyser
CMA Cylindrical Mirror Analyser
CPD Contact Potential Difference
CVD Chemical Vapour Deposition
DAFS Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure
DAPS Disappearance Potential Spectroscopy
DRIFT Diffuse Reflectance Infra-Red Fourier Transform
EAPFS Extended Appearance Potential Fine Structure
EDX Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis
EELS Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
Ellipsometry, see RDS
EMS Electron Momentum Spectroscopy
EPMA Electron Probe Micro-Analysis
ESCA Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis
ESD Electron Stimulated Desorption
ESDIAD Electron Stimulated Desorption Ion Angle Distributions
EXAFS Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
FEM Field Emission Microscopy
FIM Field Ion Microscopy
FTIR Fourier Transform Infra Red
FT RA-IR Fourier Transform Reflectance-Absorbtion Infra Red
HAS Helium Atom Scattering
HDA Hemispherical Deflection Analyser
HEIS High Energy Ion Scattering
HREELS High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
IETS Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy
KRIPES k-Resolved Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy
ILS Ionisation Loss Spectroscopy
INS Ion Neutralisation Spectroscopy
IPES Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy
IRAS Infra-Red Absorbtion Spectroscopy
ISS Ion Scattering Spectroscopy
LEED Low Energy Electron Diffraction
LEEM Low Energy Electron Microscopy
LEIS Low Energy Ion Scattering
LFM Lateral Force Microscopy
MBE Molecular Beam Epitaxy
MBS Molecular Beam Scattering
MCXD Magnetic Circular X-ray Dichroism
MEIS Medium Energy Ion Scattering
MFM Magnetic Force Microscopy
MIES Metastable Impact Electron Spectroscopy
MIR Multiple Internal Reflection
MOCVD Metal Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition
MOKE Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect
NIXSW Normal Incidence X-ray Standing Wave
NEXAFS Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
NSOM Near Field Scanning Optical Microscopy
PAES Positron annihilation Auger Electron Spectroscopy
PECVD Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition
PEEM Photo Emission Electron Microscopy
Ph.D. Photoelectron Diffraction
PIXE Proton Induced X-ray Emission
PSD Photon Stimulated Desorption
RAIRS Reflection Absorbtion Infra-Red Spectroscopy
RAS Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy
RBS Rutherford Back Scattering
RDS Reflectance Difference Spectroscopy
REFLEXAFS Reflection Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
RFA Retarding Field Analyser
RHEED Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction
SAM Scanning Auger Microscopy
SEM Secondary Electron Microscopy
SEMPA Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarisation Analysis
SERS Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering
SEXAFS Surface Extended X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
SHG Second Harmonic Generation
SH-MOKE Second Harmonic Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect
SIMS Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
SKS Scanning Kinetic Spectroscopy
SMOKE Surface Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect
SNMS Sputtered Neutral Mass Spectrometry
SNOM Scanning Near Field Optical Microscopy
SPIPES Spin Polarised Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy
SPEELS Spin Polarised Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
SPLEED Spin Polarised Low Energy Electron Diffraction
SPM Scanning Probe Microscopy
SPUPS Spin Polarised Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy
SPXPS Spin Polarised X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
STM Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
SXAPS Soft X-ray Appearance Potential Spectroscopy
SXRD Surface X-ray Diffraction
TDS Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy
TEAS Thermal Energy Atom Scattering
TPD Temperature Programmed Desorption
TPRS Temperature Programmed Reaction Spectroscopy
TXRF Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence
UHV Ultra High Vacuum
UPS Ultraviolet Photoemission Spectroscopy
XANES X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure
XPD X-ray Photoelectron Diffraction
XPS X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy
XRR X-ray Reflectometry
XSW X-ray Standing Wave

Software for surface scientists

This is a guide to the software tools available for the modelling, analysis and visualisation of surface science data. It includes

curve fitting, data aquisition, and spectral analysis spectral databases

(for freely accessible online databases see the separate databases page)

simulation, modeling and structural analysis software software archives. Surface Science and the millenium bug

(a guide to y2k information for surface science hardware and software)

Where the software is freely available for download this is indicated, for commercial products the links go to the product homepage.


Curve Fitting and Spectral Analysis

XPSPEAK 4.1 (Free Download!)

Free, fully featured, software for the analysis of XPS spectra written by Raymund Kwok. Can be downloaded from the US, UK or Hong Kong, (3.3MB)

FitXPS (Free Download!)

Free, fully featured, software for the analysis of XPS spectra.uses Marquardt's algorithm with analytical gradients to fit XPS spectra, where the individual peaks are convolutions of Doniach-Sunjic line-forms with Gaussians

Spectral Data Processor, (SDP) V2.0

XPS spectral analysis software with auto Find & ID, DTP, annotation, save all to memory, ASCII and VAMAS import/export. Runs on Windows NT, 98, 95 & OS/2 (DEMO available).


Software developed by Prof. Sven Tougaard for analysis of the nano-structure of solid surfaces from XPS and AES data. (Demo Available)


Software for Windows control of almost any XPS, AES or SIMS instrument. Written by Interface Analysis Centre, University of Bristol, (Demo Available)

Foster Findlay Associates Ltd

Wide range of 2 and 3d scientific image analysis software.


Spectral Databases NIST X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Numerical Database Resulting from a critical evaluation of the published literature, the database contains about 16,000 line positions, chemical shifts, and splittings

NIST Mass Spectroscopy Database

Database of spectra covering some 200,000 compounds. (demo available)

Specmaster Database System

Integrated database of up to 35,000 self-consistent XPS spectra with spectral data processing software and ASCII file converters. For Win NT, 98, 95, or 3.1. Audio-Video demos (90 MB) available on request.

The Static SIMS Library

provides positive and negative ion spectra from 500+ materials and allows searching, comparision and printing of spectra.


Simulation, Structural and Modelling Software

NIST Surface Structure Database

detailed text and graphical displays of nearly 1000 experimentally-determined atomic-scale structural analyses

NIST Electron-Electron Scattering Database

calculated relativistic and non-relativistic values of differential cross sections for elastic electron scattering for elements with atomic numbers from 1 to 96 and for electron energies between 50 eV and 9,999 eV

BALSAC (Build and Analyze Lattices, Surfaces, And Clusters)

Produces nice pictures of surface structures from given lattice parameters. A fully functioning on line version of BALSAC can be found here.


Ion Optics Simulation Software and Users forum

Simulation Kit 2.3

a suite of programs for the design, execution and analysis of atomic collision simulations in solids. A typical simulation might involve an atomic projectile (< 10 keV) impinging on an elemental target lattice composed of ca. 1000 atoms

DL Visualise (formerly called the Surface Science Shell)

a graphical user interface for use with a variety of materials simulation software. Able to display and edit structures periodic in both 2 (surfaces) and 3 (crystals) dimensions

GAMESS-UK (General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System)

An ab initio molecular electronic structure program for performing SCF- and MCSCF-gradient calculations

DL-POLY - A parallel molecular dynamics simulation package


Software Archives

Archive of Mass Spectrometry Software Virtual Physics Lab.

Archive of educational physics java apps.

Higher Education National Software Archive (HENSA)

large database of software for all purposes, particularly scientific applications.

Computer Programs in Physics and Physical Chemistry

Software archive of the Elsevier journal

Excellent searchable index of shareware sites around the world.


Surface Science and the Millenium bug Y2K: Will my Spectrometer work in January? The following is a list of links to various manufacturers and agencies with information on the Y2K problem. Some of the links will enable you to establish whether your instrumentation is going to work in 2000. The remainder are of a more general nature, but may be of use if you are not sure what you have to do to be "compliant". bar

Definition of Y2K Compliance "Compliance" is generally defined in the same way as the British Standards Institution's (BSI) DISC PD-2000-1 "A Definition of Year 2000 Conformity Requirements". In brief this requires that:

Neither performance nor functionality is affected by dates prior to, during and after the year 2000. No value for the current date will cause any undesired interruption of operation during a product's expected lifecycle. Date-based functionality behaves consistently for dates prior to, during and after year 2000. In all interfaces and data storage, the century in any date is specified either explicitly or by unambiguous algorithms or inference rules. Year 2000 is recognized as a leap year ( '00 years are only leap years when the year is divisible by 400)

A y2k testing schedule and checklist for y2k compliance can be downloaded from here.


Links to Manufacturers Y2K pages Kratos
an excellent informative site with links to other useful Y2K sites

Phi - Physical Electronics

excellent downloadable PDF documents

VG Scientific

mostly links to other organisations webpages

Scienta Instrument AB

no specific information available

VSW Ltd.

no specific information available

Perkin Elmer

a very comprehensive site

Omicron Vakuumphysik

no specific information available

Jeol USA

list of worldwide contacts for advice

Hitachi Instruments

lists of compliant and non-compliant equipment

Links to other useful Y2K pages Microsoft
a comprehensive guide to their products Y2K compliance


a good site, including details of Sun's Year 2000 Test Centres

IBM Year 2000 guide

lots of useful information on what to do

Dell Computer Corporation

find out if your Dell computer is compliant


find out if your Compaq/Digital computer is compliant


downloadable RTF document


for all those of you who still use PDP11 computers The Institution of Electrical Engineers
The Millennium Problem in Embedded Systems

Department of Trade and Industry

reports on how the Y2K problem may affect you at home and at work

HSE publications

downloadable PDF files on safety and the year 2000

And finally, if you've had enough of Y2K, have you heard about the Y0K, Y1K and YtoK crises?

Academic Surface Science Links

The following is a list of links pointing to academic departments in the UK/Ireland, Continental Europe, North America and Asia/Australasia/Oceania that are involved in surface science. It is by no means complete, particularly as many British groups do not have a WWW presence, and suggestions for additions would be welcomed at the address below, also let me know if there are any problems.


UK and Ireland IRC in Surface Science, Liverpool University

Institute of Surface Science and Technology, University of Loughborough

This site also contains general links to surface science resources, these can be found at the Surfaces and Thin films Bulletin Board.

University of York, Department of Physics University of Leeds, Condensed Matter Group University of Surrey, School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University of Bristol, Interface Analysis Centre The University of Ulster, Surface Science Laboratory Imperial College, London University of Leicester, Depatment of Physics, condensed matter group University of Warwick University of Manchester, Department of Physics University of Manchester, Department of Earth Sciences UMIST, Manchester, The Corrosion and Protection Centre UMIST, Manchester, Department of Physics, Condensed Matter group UMIST, Manchester, Department of Physical Chemistry Semiconductor Interface Laboratory, University of Wales, Swansea University of Oxford University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory, Surface Physics Group Cambridge University Chemical Laboratory Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow Department of Chemistry, University of Reading Surface Science Research Group, Aston University Advanced Materials Surfaces and Interfaces Group, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

bar_419.JPG (4405 bytes) Continental Europe Linköping University, Surface Physics and Chemistry, Sweden

YKI - Insttute for Surface Chemistry, Sweden Istituto Chimica dei Materiali, Rome Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Trento, Italy Institute of Physical Chemistry At the University of Tübingen, Germany Surface Physics Group, Institut für Allgemeine Physik, TU Wien, Austria Department of Physics University of Fribourg, Switzerland Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology Department of Materials, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland Catholic University of Louvain Surface Science Group, Belgium Unite de Chimie des Interfaces, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin, Germany Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces

Eindhoven Univ. of Technology (TUE), Netherlands

Solid State Physics, University of Groningen, Netherlands Department of Atomic and Interface Physics Utrecht, The Netherlands

bar_419.JPG (4405 bytes)

North America Universty of Quebec, Division de science des surfaces Includes a wide range of general surface science links

Northwestern University, HREM & Surface Structure Facility

Includes a wide range of general surface science links

University of Virginia Laboratory for Atomic and Surface Physics University of North Texas Surface Science Laboratory (SSL) Virginia Tech. Department of Chemical Engineering Surface Science at Kansas State University University of Maine, Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology University of Western Ontario, Surface Science Western University of Auburn, Department of Condensed Matter Physics University of Washington, Department of Chemical Engineering The Surface Science Center, University of Pittsburgh University of Illinois,School of Chemical Sciences Surface Studies of Quasicrystals Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University University of Ohio University of Oregon Surface Chemistry Group at SUNY Buffalo Chem. Dynamics, Catalysts and Surface Science

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

ESCA, Surface Chemistry and Corrosion Lab

State University of New York, Stony Brook

Center for Microanalysis of Materials

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Center for Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nanoscale Physics Group

Purdue University

The Michael Trindides Group of Surface Science at Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory Chemical Reactions at Surfaces, The Koel Group, University of Southern California, Los Angeles Montana State University Department of Physics

bar_419.JPG (4405 bytes) Asia, Australasia and Oceania Surface Science Lab, National University of Singapore

Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Japan Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan Department of Chemistry, University of Tokyo Surface Science Page,

University of Peking, China

Seoul National University ESCA-XPS Laboratory Laboratory for Surface and Thin Film Physics

University of New South Wales, Australia

Surface Physics Group, Murdoch University, Western Australia